Sunday, February 22, 2004

Certified email with delivery receipts, silent tracking, proof-of-opening history, security and timestamps.

This is a very interesting service:

- reliably find out when your email gets opened, how long it gets read for, whether or not it gets forwarded to someone else or published on the internet, where the reader is located

- Certified Proof of posting, delivery, and opening. Get digitally signed certificates to prove when you posted an email, when it got delivered, and when it was opened and read.

- Send self-destructing emails or use ensured-delivery messages, both of which guarantee that you will always get a notification when your email gets read, and both of which will allow you to retract your email after you have sent it.

Comment: while these are impressing features, they rely on questionable technology: embedding hidden objects in html email. This is the same stuff thats used by spammers to track if their email was read by the recipient. In Outlook 2003 this does not work any more ...